Do You “Like” Facebook’s Changes?
Yesterday Facebook announced some major changes at it’s annual f8 developers conference. Mark Zuckerberg took the stage to talk about the “like” button roll out, not just on Facebook itself, but across the web. In Facebook, one major change is on fan pages. So now Fan Pages are just Pages, and your fans are connections […]
We Got Our Facebook Vanity URL
Well, the time came and went. 12AM on June 12 was the time to grab your Facebook vanity URL as fast as possible. In 3 minutes 200,000 names were taken. In 15 minutes it was 500,000 and now it’s in the millions. I was not so concerned with my profile name. I went after our […]
I Can Status Update 250,000 People
So I wrote in a previous post that we had a crazy Facebook Fan page. That was in November when it was at 90,000 fans. Now it just hit 250,000. We started it a year ago this month, and in 3 1/2 months it’s grown by 160,000 people (almost triple). Pretty ming blowing stats. We’re […]