Why I Am Cutting Out My Time On Facebook
As any reader of this blog will know, I’ve always been a big proponent of Facebook. Hell, I’m even the unofficial inventor of the word “unfriend”. I’ve spoken at various jewelry trade shows about social media and Facebook, and even national shows like Etail2009 about my Facebook Fan Page, which is now at 1.5 million […]
What I Learned From One Million Facebook Fans
A facebook page we started in March 2008, DiamondFans, has grown to over a million fans or “likes”. I’ve been talking about DiamondFans for a while and it’s been an wild ride up to this point. I’d say it’s become a great asset for my business and personal brand. If you’re looking for ways to […]
When a Facebook Pic Goes Viral – The Power of Sharing
A little while ago, I wrote a post titled, “Stop Sharing!”. My friend who works at ShareThis was mad about that one, but I was talking about business practices, but not fun stuff like pics, videos and blog posts. Well today a pic went around of a clever Halloween costume. A guy in dressed as […]
A Milestone: 500,000 Facebook Diamond Fans!
We reached a big milestone a week ago. Over a half a million fans on our facebook “Diamonds” page! (I know they’re “likes” but I still call them fans). In fact, this week we’ve gained about 30,000 new fans, so the page is cruising. It’s been a great ride for the past 2 1/2 years and […]
What’s Up With Facebook Places?
Facebook just got into the game of geo-targeting as expected with their new feature, Facebook Places. So basically, you can now check into different restaurants, stores, or pretty much any establishment and tag and share with your friends where you are. There are several sites devoted to this, most notably Foursquare, who is in partnership […]
Do You Mix Messages On Social Networks?
I got a message on LinkedIn from a friend/relative that he thought my LinkedIn posts were having a negative impact on my business, as LinkedIn is a different platform than Facebook. Well, for a while I’ve had my twitter feed go to LinkedIn. Never turned it off, and don’t really check LinkedIn much, so have […]
Mark Zuckerberg Interview With Diane Sawyer
Here’s an except from Diane Sawyer’s interview with Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg. It’s fascinating to me to follow this guy who has this site that is bigger than life, now with 500 million users. Keep it going Mark, we love it!
Facebook Bug Had My Page Losing Thousands
Last week, I noticed that my Diamonds Fan Page was losing THOUSANDS of fans a day and hundreds of fans an hour. I was at around 349,000 fans and I saw this number go down by the minute – all the way to 342,000. Of course, my natural reaction was…PANIC! How could this be? I […]
Facebook Page Creator Can Now Be Removed
It’s funny how things work out. We have a few facebook fan/business pages that were created a couple years ago under the account of one of our employees. We did not know at that time that facebook had a rule that the permanent admin/creator could NOT be removed as an admin of that page. This […]
Facebook Changes Page Policy in 24 Hours
Here’s a new one from Facebook and it is a great sign – Facebook listening to their users and actually caring about the people that make their site so great – their customers! That’s right I call them customers, not users, because we are all Facebook customers, whether we pay or not. Yesterday, Samuelson’s Diamonds […]
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