Ramble On Ron

Diamonds, Music and other Facets of Life

Facebook Page Creator Can Now Be Removed

Posted on | June 10, 2010 | 6 Comments

It’s funny how things work out. We have a few facebook fan/business pages that were created a couple years ago under the account of one of our employees. We did not know at that time that facebook had a rule that the permanent admin/creator could NOT be removed as an admin of that page. This policy was troubling because it meant that if an employee, ad agency or anyone else created your page, they were potentially in control of your page forever. So when we recently parted ways with that employee, we arranged to purchase his personal facebook page from him, so that we could retain our administrative control.

Well, guess what? I look on my pages today and facebook changed that function. Now you can remove any admin, even the creator. It was ALMOST perfect timing.

So what’s the point? Well, now you can remove anyone as an admin of your page – seems as if there’s no concern now over who the creator is – sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you…
