Ramble On Ron

Diamonds, Music and other Facets of Life

I Changed My Twitter Handle, Have You?

Posted on | December 29, 2009 | 7 Comments

I think I may have an identity crisis.  I just changed my twitter handle, user name, whatever it is, to @ronsamuelson.  Isn’t that exciting and creative?  It’s just my name.  Let me tell you the history of my twitter names, so maybe there is some rhyme or reason for this change.

When I very first started on Twitter I was @ronniediamond.  I have developed that nickname among some friends, always getting the, “Hey Ronnie Diamond!” when I walk into the room.  Didn’t mind it.  But Diamond is an actual last name of someone, so I thought of another.  I came to @diamondbuyer, in hopes that it would help me in search.  I’m not sure that it did, but I do know that I’ve always felt a little whorish about it.  It’s kinda salesy too and not that cool or edgy.  So I figured that I would do what most other smart people do on twitter and just go by their name.  Plain and simple.  I’m pretty happy with it…I think.

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

Of course, I reserved @diamondbuyer as well.  Maybe I’ll make him into some sort of diamond buying character…or not.  Who knows the right answer here?  Twitter is pretty new so there are no right answers.  But like Lennon/McCartney say,

“I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.”

So I am me.  Or I Am The Walrus.  But the walrus was Paul, so that answers that question.  Maybe I’ll change it a few more times.  Does it really matter anyway?   Please share your twitter name thoughts.  I would love to hear them!
