Ramble On Ron

Diamonds, Music and other Facets of Life

Summer Concert Review

As the late, great Jerry Garcia said, “Summer time’s come and gone my oh my.”  And this summer went fast.  I hit a few shows though, both local and national acts, and the results were mixed.  I’m gonna start in the spring. March – Blues Traveler Yeah I folded and thought that they would be […]

Santana Live in Vegas

Just wanted to share a great video I took of Santana Live at the Hard Rock in Vegas.  It was a great show and also featured Baltimore based drummer Dennis Chambers: Now back to reality and our new store which is open now!

Moving Day is Monday, Facebook iPhone App Works

We’ve been super busy moving ALL of our stuff outta here. Vegas was very nice – Santana 3rd row was a highlight. Facebook Party and show were great too. The most productive part of the show might have been my visit to the Apple Store. My Facebook app has not loaded since I got my […]