Unfriended on Facebook – Compliment or Diss?
Posted on | October 29, 2008 | 9 Comments
So I friend requested a jeweler in the Midwest, has a big luxury store, Rolex, Cartier, the whole deal. He also likes music and is a third generation family business, like me. I said that in my request and an hour later he accepted. Then I look on my page the next day and I’m no longer friends with him. Of course the first reaction I had was, wtf? Then I thought about it. There are a few reasons that I can think of why he said yes and then no:
1) He thinks he’s too good for me. He’s got a big fancy store – I’m just a young punk.
2) He’s in his fifties, older and did it by accident.
3) He’s sees me as a threat – taking his customers away through the internet.
4) He didn’t like my facebook page – maybe the girls in bikinis offended him.
Well, I like to think it was #3. If so, he’s missing the boat. He could learn from me as I could from him. In the jewelry biz, a lot of guys are very secretive about their business. They don’t want to give away trade secrets, don’t want to share information, learn from their competition. In the digital world, it seems that everyone is willing to share ideas, through meetings, summits, trade shows, blogs, facebook, twitter, etc.
So what’s the next move? Should I ask him why he dissed me – or should I let his path cross mine one day and see what he has to say? Please comment and tell me what you would do…
Tags: Add new tag > cartier > diamonds > facebook > Jewelry > rolex > twitter > unfriended