Do You Mix Messages On Social Networks?
I got a message on LinkedIn from a friend/relative that he thought my LinkedIn posts were having a negative impact on my business, as LinkedIn is a different platform than Facebook. Well, for a while I’ve had my twitter feed go to LinkedIn. Never turned it off, and don’t really check LinkedIn much, so have […]
Mark Zuckerberg Interview With Diane Sawyer
Here’s an except from Diane Sawyer’s interview with Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg. It’s fascinating to me to follow this guy who has this site that is bigger than life, now with 500 million users. Keep it going Mark, we love it!
Facebook Changes Page Policy in 24 Hours
Here’s a new one from Facebook and it is a great sign – Facebook listening to their users and actually caring about the people that make their site so great – their customers! That’s right I call them customers, not users, because we are all Facebook customers, whether we pay or not. Yesterday, Samuelson’s Diamonds […]
Do You “Like” Facebook’s Changes?
Yesterday Facebook announced some major changes at it’s annual f8 developers conference. Mark Zuckerberg took the stage to talk about the “like” button roll out, not just on Facebook itself, but across the web. In Facebook, one major change is on fan pages. So now Fan Pages are just Pages, and your fans are connections […]
The Grateful Dead Created Social Networking
Way before the internet, facebook, twitter, blogs, and the idea of “sharing content” across your network , The Grateful Dead were sharing their music with fans across the world through tapes, not computers. They were one of the first bands to allow and actually encourage taping of their live shows. How often did you go […]
Tip: Why You Should Have An Outside Admin On A Facebook Event Page
Just a quick tip that I figured out this weekend. We’re having a Holiday Party down at Samuelson’s Diamonds and of course I created an event on Facebook for it. This event was created off of our Samuelson’s Diamonds Fanpage. As an admin of my fan page, I can edit the event, but there is […]
Here’s What Social Networking Is All About
I never claim to be a Social Media “Evangelist” (whatever that means) like all the whako’s on twitter, but my brother-in-law, David, (who happens to be the CFO down here at Samuelson’s) got a Facebook response that really sums it up. He posted a link to our Samuelson’s Diamonds Fan Page on his profile and […]
My Advice to Mark Zuckerberg
On another Facebook note, I’ve been following the story of Holocaust denial groups allowed on Facebook, and after the recent killing in DC at the Holocaust Museum it’s resurfaced. Here’s a link to Brian Cuban’s open letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. I agree with Brian on this one. Here’s my take on it. […]
We Got Our Facebook Vanity URL
Well, the time came and went. 12AM on June 12 was the time to grab your Facebook vanity URL as fast as possible. In 3 minutes 200,000 names were taken. In 15 minutes it was 500,000 and now it’s in the millions. I was not so concerned with my profile name. I went after our […]
Moving Day is Monday, Facebook iPhone App Works
We’ve been super busy moving ALL of our stuff outta here. Vegas was very nice – Santana 3rd row was a highlight. Facebook Party and show were great too. The most productive part of the show might have been my visit to the Apple Store. My Facebook app has not loaded since I got my […]
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