Ramble On Ron

Diamonds, Music and other Facets of Life

The Important Things in Life

Posted on | January 28, 2009 | 2 Comments

I just lost a buddy of mine and it makes me think about the stuff my grandparents always used to say.  Back when I was younger, they would always say stuff like, “If you got health, you got wealth” and “As long as you have your health” and other lessons that Jewish grandparents tell you over and over again.  Back then of course I always just thought that’s what old people say and shrugged it off.  Well, it’s true.  Business, money, blogs, facebook, twitter and all the noise that’s out there doesn’t mean anything.  Friends and family are the most important.

Speaking of good friends my friend Missy has a great blog – doyouloveit.com.  Check it out if you love Cherry Coke Zero, Ben and Jerry’s, and other cool stuff like I do.  I’m gonna link her up more often.

That’s it for now.  I leave you with a great tune for my friend who I will miss:
